Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sad news....

So this week, I have some awful news. My television with my VCR that is in my room broke. That means this year I cannot fall asleep to my favorite Christmas movies :( Last year I repeatedly watched the Polar Express, a favorite of mine, and the year before that it was The Grinch! However, my favorite movie of all time happens to be labeled a Christmas movie. It is....(drum roll please)....

Here are two of my favorite pictures with quotes beneath....I love this movie :)
"What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."

"I want a big one!"
As for other news, Phillies traded my favorite pitcher Cliff Lee. I loved how he was all about having fun playing baseball even in the World Series, he truly loves the game. Supposedly the Phillies made him an offer, he had his agent come back with one and the Phillies never went back to him. He had said he wanted to stay in Philly, he really liked it here. We could have had three CY young pitchers (not that I count Martinez as much)...very sad news.

The good news is....we now can have a HALLADAY!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Post!

Welcome to my blog! This is my first blog post (very exciting!). After being an avid ready of some of my friends blogs, I decided that as soon as the semester ended I was going to start a blog....now here I am!

It's also a snow day today and it's beautiful outside, if I had a digital camera I would show you. But it means church is cancelled :( However, now that it's break I can catch up on some leisure reading before I have to go to work. Here are some of the books I've been anxious to read....

In my place condemned he stood by J.I. Packer and Mark Dever.
I started reading this book back in August but put it down because of school. I'd like to pick it back up and finish it because it was SO good :)

Moneyball by Michael Lewis
This book is about baseball and Steroids. I've heard a ton of interesting things about this book and since this is a topic that really interests me, I can't wait to start reading it!

Love Walked In by Maria De Los Santos
This author is actually from Wilmington, DE, so she's almost like a neighbor :) I also heard this book was very good from a girl whose blog I tend to stalk :)

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
I know, I know, but I read all the other books (peer pressure) but they are addicting! And I have to finish out the series. My mom also is reading them so it gives us something to talk about.

Thanks for reading my first blog post :)
Can't wait for Christmas!!! Only five more days!!